What Make PediaSwim Unique?

Did you know that Florida is the leading state with the most home swimming pool? 1,590,000 pool are estimated or 14 people per pool. This excludes the ocean, which is a part of everyone’s life in Florida, as well as other bodies of water. Because of this, the Florida Department of Health requires that swim instructors obtain certification from one of the swim programs on its list of recognized swim programs. The state of Florida has acknowledged PediaSwim as a comprehensive swim program for both instructors and students. This is the main reason I decided to complete my training at such a well-regarded and highly rated institute in Florida. It provides the most gentle, efficient instruction for training infants and toddlers to independently swim and float for enjoyment, but most importantly, for safety. The good aims and outcomes you receive from working with us are the same regardless of the PediaSwim teacher!

Joy McMGinty, Founder of Southwest Aquatics and PediaSwim

Since 1992, Joy has been stilling a love of the water and survival skills in young children. In Winter Garden, Florida, she owns and runs Southwest Aquatic, a renowned facility and organization. PediaSwim and Southwest Aquatic collaborate year-round to make swimming accesible to kids of all ages, together with instructor,in one teaching pool and two competitive swim pools.

Why Swim Float Baby?

 I underwent an extensive one-on-one training program as a PediaSwim certified instructor, which included more than 100 hours of rigorous in-water tutelage at the SouthWest Aquatics facility in Winter Garden, Florida. A child-centered method for teaching water safety skills is PediaSwim. The emphasis is on contented swimmers who advance in their swimming abilities while also learning how to tackle a water emergency. My courses emphasize a one-on-one approach as their single instructor until your child has mastered their fundamentals. The purpose for Swim Float Baby is to teach children the knowledge to self sufficiently solve problems in the water no matter what the conditions.

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