Swim Lessons Can Reduce The Risk
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About Me

Thank you for stopping by and since you’re here- I would like to share a bit about my journey into the magnificent world of swimming. I grew up along the Caribbean coastline of my native Colombia, surrounded by beautiful beaches. As a family tradition, we spent every possible moment, holiday and special occasions dipping into the nearby sea! I still relish all those vivid and happy memories of us by and in the water today. SWIM FLOAT BABY

Swim Float Baby Programs


Basic Training

 Children 9 Months and Up. who are crawling or walking are ideal. Lessons may start sooner with the instructor's permission.

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All students who have finish a Basics skills Course through ANY survival swim program are eligible for this course.

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Children must complete Basic Training before continuing to classes once or twice a week in our Maintenance Program for the best skill retention.

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Children ages 1 to 4 years old who die from unintended injuries most frequently drown. For kids aged 1 to 14, drowning is the second most common unintentional injury mortality. In the United States, drowning is the seventh most common cause of fatal unintentional injuries for all ages. Survival swim classes are an additional line of defense against a fatal disaster, even though nothing can be completely avoided.

 Although a 10-minute swimming class may seem brief, each one is private, and your child receives the Certified Instructor's full attention at that time. Despite being brief, each lesson is incredibly intensive. Because young infants are sensorimotor learners, frequent and brief exposure is the most efficient way to help them acquire a particular skill. In addition to respecting the child's attention span, the 10-minute class also minimizes the risk of fever and physical exhaustion. Our lessons are grounded in infant physiology, behavioral psychology, anatomy and child development. We closely monitor your child's behavior and responses throughout courses.

Food consumption should be kept to a minimum one to two hours prior to the session because dairy products, meals high in protein, and foods high in fat digest more slowly than carbs and are best consumed after the lesson.

Your child can not skip more than three classes per week in order to ensure the efficiency of the instruction . If that happens, repetition of that week is required and creation of a new schedule. We appreciate your patience. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated. Refunds for purchased classes or activities are not offered by us.

We are aware that illnesses can strike kids at any time. If your child will be unable to attend courses due to a medical condition, kindly let us know. To avoid paying for make-up sessions when you are ready to reschedule your classes, provide the necessary medical documents.

YES! During lessons, you are always invited to stay and observe. Please keep in mind that it could be best to stay out of your child's line of sight, use your phone, or watch from your seat because they are still attempting to build trust with me.

Remember that your child will be introduced to a new environment. Crying is a common way to communicate. In this brand-new, exciting, safe experience where he can learn and grow, our educators are trained to reassure him.

Bring two towels, as well as a swimsuit that fits. Please make sure the reusable swim diaper fits tightly around the waist and legs and is free of buttons and snaps. All youngsters in the training phase, whether they are 3 years old or younger, are required to attend class while wearing a non-disposable diaper. Disposable diapers cannot effectively handle solid waste and we place a high priority on maintaining the cleanliness of our pool.

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